Most people
work for 30 to 40 years ... and what kind of
retirement do they have to look forward to? Will
they have $50,000 a year, or more to retire on?
In network marketing, it's possible for a person
to retire on more than $50,000 a year ... in one
to ten years! So, why be in a hurry? Do you think you could find one
person a year who would like a better lifestyle?
Do you think that person could find one person a
year who would like a better lifestyle? Do you
think that person could find one person a year
... etc ... etc.? If you did that, you could
retire on more than $50,000 a year in just 10
years! That certainly beats waiting 30 to 40
years ... doesn't it?
"sponsor-one-a-year" plan, with
everybody doing the same, would net you 1,024
people in your organization by the end of your
10th year. If you'd like to check this out, start
with yourself and sponsor one person your first
year. That gives you a grand total of two people.
The second year you each sponsor one person each.
Now you have a total of four. The third year you
will have eight members. After that, it
progresses geometrically to 1,024 ... WOW!
Once you believe you can do
the "sponsor-one-a-year" plan, you can
then convert to a shorter period of time ...
whatever is more comfortable for you. For
example, sponsoring one person every three
months, and everyone else doing the same, would
net you the 1,024 members by the beginning of the
fourth year ... not 10! If you sponsored one
every month, and everyone did the same, you'd get
there in less than ONE YEAR!
So, what's the point to
all this? Why be in a hurry? Never give up ...
you'll make it if you hang in there! Too many
people get into the industry thinking they're
going to get rich in three to six months and when
they don't, they get discouraged and stop working
... or quit all together. Some even give up their
jobs prematurely, and when they don't get rich
quick enough, it creates a tremendous hardship
for them and their families.
Network marketing isn't
a business you learn and do ... it's a business
you learn while doing. You can actually earn
while you're learning. Most people just getting
started in network marketing, have a full-time
job and do their networking business part-time.
It takes most of them three to nine months to
really understand the business.
It's amazing how people
get into network marketing and give up before
they ever know what to do. People go to college
for four years, get their degrees and have no
hope of retiring in one to ten years. Most of
the time, their big hope is just to get a job!
The networking industry
is a teaching business ... not a selling
business. If you're selling anything, you're
selling the hope for a better lifestyle. Anyone
can do it!
The main reason people
don't get into the business is because they don't
understand it. Do you think if a person really
understood that if they sponsored only one person
a year they could retire in 10 years, they
wouldn't do it! Of course they would. You CAN do
it too! Get started now and work at your own
pace. You can do it in one to 10 years. It's
totally up to you. Why keep working for a living
when you can work for a better lifestyle? But ...
Some Stats about Baby Boomers
According to the US Bureau of the Census, 75,858,000 births were registered from 1946 through 1964 (Baby boomers)
There are already enough pressures on Boomers hoping to retire. The average person has a retirement savings balance of $81,000, according to Fidelity. And 50% of people in a recent survey don’t expect to retire at 65. (Of those, 24% don’t expect to retire at 70.) But the new trend is straining resources even more.
Thirteen percent of working adults think they will never be able to afford to retire, according to a new survey. What’s more, on average, most of us figure we’ll work until age 68.
Low incomes. Most retirees have very modest incomes. The median income for people age 65 and older was $27,707 for males and $15,362 for females in 2011. The typical household headed by someone age 65 or older had a median income of $48,538. The median income increased by 2 percent between 2010 and 2011 after adjusting for inflation. Almost 3.6 million elderly people (8.7percent) lived below the poverty level in 2011.
Reliance on Social Security. The most common source of retirement income is Social Security, and 86 percent of people age 65 and older receive monthly payments. And Social Security is responsible for 90 percent or more of the income received by 36 percent of beneficiaries. Only about half (52 percent) of retirees receive income from their assets. Even fewer retirees receive monthly payments from private (27 percent) or government (15 percent) pensions. “The boomers will be the first generation to overwhelmingly not receive some sort of guaranteed benefits from employers,” “We now live in a 401(k) world where people are responsible for our own savings, and baby boomers have not done a very good job. It’s a generation that is going to struggle in old age in the absence of reliable anchors and support systems.”
In the 2013 Retirement Confidence Survey conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), workers aged 55 and older said the following about their retirement savings:
60% have less than $100,000 in retirement savings
43% have saved less than $25,000 in retirement savings
36% have saved less than $10,000 in retirement savings